Day 742 --Rain and Grant's Trail

I decided to run on Grant’s trail because I was tired of hills. I was planning on doing fifteen, going slow for the first hour, and listening to a lot of podcasts that I put on my ipod nano, but none of those things happened.

I ended up sprinting at least twice each mile, first at .4, and second at .9. It was tough, but exhilarating too. I got so focused that I just did not listen to anything for most of the run. I kept on thinking I would turn something on, but then I just did not.

It was weird, I hardly saw any runners on the trail and there was not one bike rider on the trail. It rained almost the whole time, but it was not cold rain; it was actually pretty comfortable.  

I ended up running into a Boy Scout troop that was walking the trail with their backpacks. They took up the whole trail, but when I started yelling at them “On your left,” they scattered like scared rabbits.

At the end of the trail I saw some guys with Army t-shirts on. They looked like they were training for something. There were at least thirty of them with all varying speeds and sizes. I wanted to pass them like the dilettantes that they were, but they were running in the other direction. When I turned around at the end of the trail I thought for sure that I would catch them, but they had already turned around. They must have ran only two-miles or so and most of them were struggling with that.

 So, I ended up doing 16 because I decided I wanted to see how long the trail was. It was only 7.8x, so I had to add a little at the end of the trail to make it an even 16-mile run.

It felt great pushing myself in the rain. I felt invincible for a half a second at least.      


the Most Epic Runs