Day 2,578 —Road Construction— (with a picture of the HAWKEN HOUSE)

It seems like every street in the area has decided to rip out the roads and fix the streets. It always seems so odd to me that these things seem to happen all at once here. What are these workers doing when they are not ripping up these streets? Are they just in a different county ripping up those streets?

I don’t really see any logic or reasoning to any of it, which is probably why it bothers me so much; however, I guess they have no reason to pay attention to the flow of traffic and how their work effects those people who live in the area. I imagine that this issue is dealt with differently in every city. I say get rid of the roads all together. I would rather ride a train everywhere and use a bike when a train isn’t convenient. Every person who lives here pays for the roads in taxes but not every citizen uses the roads.  

Still feeling sore and sluggish. I ate too much yesterday. 


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