Day 794-797 --Tuesday-Friday, First Week Back

Day 794, Tuesday 

I stayed up too late on Monday to have an early start today. I was still sick, still could not hear out of both my ears, my ankle still hurt, so I decided to take it easy. I was hoping I would feel better tomorrow. 

Day 795, Wednesday

I felt the same as I did on Tuesday, still sick and still in pain. It is so difficult to try to take it easy. 
It makes me feel so worthless only doing two-miles. I took a break after a mile to blow my nose. 

Day 796, Thursday

I saw an old man with a young girl, waiting at the bus stop. I had seen them around before. I guess he takes her by where I live to buy things, but do they really take the bus just to go to Walgreens? The old man had to be in his seventies at least, while the girl looked to be only four or five years-old. The girl looked slightly hispanic, while the guy looked white.  

Day 797, Friday 

I saw an old guy waiting for the bus. He had long white and gray hair and looked like he had been wearing the same clothes for years, but I couldn't see that great because I wasn't wearing my contacts. 

I just had not felt like putting them in, so the world was pretty blurry. I still felt sick, and I was running now to just get it over with. I hoped I would feel better tomorrow. 


the Most Epic Runs