Days 780 and 781-- Leaving

Sorry I keep posting runs together, but with summer having started last week and being sick, I am out of my routine. I wanted to run a 100 miles last week, but I was sick, so the whole experience has kind of soured me on running. 

I am trying to stay positive and take it easier because I feel like my body needs it, but the less I run the more sore I am the next day. My ankle hurts so much now I am really worried that I did something awful to it, but of none of this matters because I start my vacation tomorrow -- I am going to Indonesia! 

It is going to be difficult to keep my running streak alive with a three-day travel time to get there, but I am going to do my best, but I will probably have to run one mile in the airpot on Friday. Once we get there, I have been told I will not be able to run outdoors without traveling to a place to run, so I will most likely run on a treadmill most days instead. One thing is for sure, it will not be boring. 

Today when I ran, I saw a lot of small rodents on the ground scurrying about. 

Yesterday when I ran, I noticed an older woman walking a small dog. She was going in circles too.  


the Most Epic Runs