Day 2,447 -- 2020 My Most Productive Year Ever (Includes Remastered Pictures)

I spent this run thinking about how happy I am with all I have been able to do this year. My friend and I recorded a podcast that I am listening to; I am so happy that I am finally doing something like that. For the first time ever, I don’t care about how things may or may not work out. I care about trying because the rest isn’t really up to me.  

Miles Ran 3,750.8 or 10.3 miles a day 

My average used to be closer to 4 miles a day for most of my streak, so this is a huge jump. 

Significant Runs 

        First 55.88 Miles (89K) 6/20/2020

        First 62.31 Miles (100K) 8/6/2020

        *Also over twenty full-marathons and multiple 50Ks and some 50ks plus 

Pictures Taken – at least 2,500 during my runs 

 I started taking pictures during my runs on 5/8/2020, and I have continued to take at least one                 picture during every run since that day. This only counts my running pictures and not any of the             other pictures I take of mostly my daughter and our cats. 

Time Spent Mediating – Roughly 15-minutes a day 

I started meditating every day back in Fall of 2019, but this is the first year I have been able to do it         each day. Some days I only get three-minutes in, but I always show up to put some time in each day. 

Books Read -- 105

I am counting books that I listened to while I was running; however, I did read every day as well as listen to books. I know that I listened to more books than I read, but still I read 47 of the 105, so not that bad. 

Books Written – 1

I wrote each day for an entire year to complete a self-help book. I don’t know the exact page count, but at least a few hundred pages. I still need to edit it, but it has been written.  

First Year all Vegan and Mostly Plant Based 

I ate 100% vegan with only a handful of mistakes along the way. I know this is something people         struggle with, but at this point it would be more difficult to try to start eating meat and dairy again         than continue with vegan and plant based. I was telling my wife yesterday how just the thought of         meat has become revolting to me. I don’t even like plant-based meat products anymore. I don’t like         feeling like I could be eating meat. 

Pounds lost--20

I lost the majority of my weight the end of 2019, but I still continued to lose weight in the first half of the year. 


the Most Epic Runs