There is no Right Time—There is only Now (includes remastered picture)

Saw that it was raining but because it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. I thought might as well start. I went slow enough that it was mostly effortless as I am still recovery. Part of me feels like doing more, but I know from experience that just leads to me having to take more time off in the future, so I am coasting into my goal of 3,750 miles for the year and trying not to think about it that much. 

The rain really wasn’t that bad; it was mostly just drizzling. I spent huge chunks of time taking pictures. It is hard to get clear focus on a day like this, but it is worth trying. I used to always wait for the right time to do something when I was younger and maybe that helped my batting average; however, when you do a thing more, you just get better at it and see things you would have missed otherwise. I took thousands of pictures this year. More than I probably have in the past four-years combined. If I only get 50 good pictures that will be more good pictures that I have created in five-years’ time. 


the Most Epic Runs