Day 658 -- long day 135 minutes

I feel great. I am surprised today felt so easy. I ran on Grant's trail and into Kirkwood. Because it is winter the restrooms and water fountains on Grant's trail are not operational, so I run a lot of there and backs. I did not have any blocks, so I ate roasted almonds that had chocolate powder on them instead.  

First Lap 7.2 miles 

I ran from the beginning of Grant's trail by Oak Bend Library. I ran on the trail one direction for 3.6 miles and then turned around and came back to my car to drink some water and have some almonds. I felt great my heart rate wasn't even very high when I  started outs (170). I listened to that song "Like a G6," when I started, and then did not listen to anything for the next thirty-minutes. I just liked listening the the wind and my breath and the cars and the other people talking that were on the trail and the silence the silence is invigorating. I listened to some of a motion track podcast for a little bit, but mostly just listened to the silence. 

Second Lap 5. ? miles   

I don't remember exactly how long I went into Kirkwood, but I ran all the way to Manchester and then turned around. There was a lot of cars in Kirkwood, but I tried not  to think about them. I saw some other runners, but most people ignored my greetings. This is what I was telling Sarah -- people are less friendly later in the day, but I ran later in the day because it was warmer, and it was nice outsides. Some wind one direction, but really beautiful weather. When I was coming back I saw a train and freaked out, but it was gone by the time I got to the crossing. 

Final Lap 5. ? miles

I ended up running a little longer because I figured I was going to be able to do more than 17 at the pace I was going. I ended up guessing perfectly and got back to my car at almost exactly 2:15:00. My ankle started bothering me, but then it went away. 


I felt great when I finished. Not really that tired. I could have gone longer. I am tired of my running magazine telling me that I will hurt myself by running everyday. I guess I just have more faith in my body compared to most people. I am not afraid of pain, but I do my best to listen to it. That's what is nice about running with no distractions. I get to focus entirely on my body and how I am landing each step. It is exhilarating.   


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