Day 663 -- more snow
I really thought I posted this already, but I am not surprised I forgot mainly because I have been unusually feckless today.
When I woke up, I ran into the walls around my house spilling coffee. I could not remember some of my students names. And I called many the wrong names. My mind just feels like it is in a fog trying to function, but being blocked by sloppy senses.
I ran slow, but I had to, with the light snow on the sidewalk. It was frustrating and the sky was cloudy. The only light was from the cars and this ugly drab color from the sky.
However, I think the people from White Castle may have listened to me. My regular readers will know that I often complain how the White Castle, which is closed in the morning; even though, they have a sign out front clearly stating they are open. On Tuesday I wrote a letter to White Castle and sent it to their general feedback and their specific feedback. I also posted it on Yelp and added a Google Review. I was skeptical anything would happen, but I was surprised when someone called and talked to me about my complaints. I was still skeptical because it was someone from the store and not corporate; however, I saw a surprising amount of cars at the White Castle this morning at 5:30 and by 5:45 a.m. they had their lights on. So who knows maybe they will hire a manger who cares about their job. One can only hope.
My run was slow and tedious, but I know it was still helpful. It gave me confidence that tomorrow will be better.
maybe if this White Castle gets their act together our property value will go up!🙃