Monday, July 18, Day 821- Tuesday, July 26, Day 829 "Getting Back into you."

I am still running every day!

Strangely, it has been more difficult to write every day than run every day.

I know I have not posted in a while, which may seem odd to you because I did not have to work at all the past two-weeks. However, it has been a trying time for me because I have not been able to run very fast or very long. The positive is that for the past week I have been running at least two-miles a day, but the sad part is it has been one my shortest and slowest weeks of the year.

This sucks because I normally get such stress-relief out of running: I love running. If it was a girl, I would propose with the most expensive ring I could find.

Each passing day that I do not enjoy running, I start to wonder. Will I ever go as far again? Will I ever be as fast again? Will I ever be in love with running again?

So, I have not been writing my blog because I haven’t wanted to think about it. It is easier to run everyday than write everyday.  

In an unusual form, I took a screen shot of the week’s runs instead of taking individual screen shots of each run.
*I did have one run that did not sync; even though, it did show on my watch it never synced to Garmin, so I had to manually add it. This is the only run, since I got the Vivoactive that has not synced correctly. The only thing I did differently was I did not try to sync the run immediately after I ran.

The positive of the week is that I did run a total of eight-miles on Monday, which is one of the longest days I have been able to manage in a month. However, I had to break it up in 2.5-mile increments. I wanted to get to ten-miles, but  the last segment did not go so well and I was only about to do .6 miles.  


the Most Epic Runs