Saturday, Day 805, Cool Days of Summer

As I run, I am thinking about anything but running. Today, I thought about this house I pass most days where I never see any one.

I imagine some kind of recluse lives there and sees me running out their window, but I don’t know what he or she looks like or what they do for a living.

It’s the only house in the area that does not have a direct neighbor. On the right-hand-side is a lot filled with big machines that have something to do with providing electricity and on the left-hand-side is an empty lot.

I sometimes see a car in the driveway. It has a half-circle, gravel driveway.  The house has a porch swing. There is a patio set. The lawn looks like it is mowed on a regular basis.

I wonder if the person who lives in the house works with the electric machines.

I wonder if they are scared of the electric machines (I know I am).

I wonder if I will ever see who lives there.


the Most Epic Runs