Day 3116 —Red Sky at Night— with CLOUDS at NIGHT

I had not planned on starting as early as I did but I was up, so I went for a run. It was nice at first enjoying the quiet on a usually busy road, but I was soon distracted by the handful of cars zooming around. Early on I could see the stars, and at one point I noticed a red light shining in the sky. I have never seen such a dark shade of red in the middle of the night like this before. I could not see the red light for long because suddenly the fog was thick and at times it was difficult to see further than a few feet in front of me. 

I thought I heard something and looked over to my left. I did not see anything at first, but I heard someone shout, “Why are you running! IT IS 3 in the MORNING!” the voice continued this way for some time. I heard him still shouting after I had past him. 

I thought about what my answer might be had I felt inclined to respond, “I couldn’t sleep!” No, maybe, “Might I ask, why is my running upsetting you so much? Are you worried about my sleep?” Maybe I should have suggested that I appreciated the concern. It is interesting who you might meet at certain times in the morning.   


the Most Epic Runs