Day 3125 —All the Pictures I Forgot— with a STAIRCASE, a SIDEWALK, and a ROAD

It was still dark, and I forgot what directions I was running in for a moment when I was still in webster. I found the sidewalk that cuts through the neighborhood and cut back towards my home. I saw my friend Inky the cat and he seemed to be enjoying the nice weather. I bent down to pet him for a moment. He tried to follow me as I went to leave, so I walked for a moment first before starting to run again. 

I have almost 900 pictures that I have edited from my runs for the past three years. I have them in the same folder that I use as a screensaver. Sometimes I look over in shock of what I am seeing. I don’t remember it at all. I am convinced that it looks like something I could have taken, and that the location looks familiar but that is all I know for sure.  


the Most Epic Runs