Day 3141 —Enjoying being Home—with a BIRD lit by a STREET LAMP

Even thought it was not that cold, it was wet and windy, which made it feel much colder than it was. I am so happy to be home and not really dreading tomorrow either. I am looking forward to this final little push this week with school and work, so I can focus on spending more time at my house planning my next race. 

I am already buying some equipment in anticipation for the Shipley 100. I bought two battery operated headlamps because I am anti having lights that you must charge. The nice one that I have that charges only last 5-8 hours, which is just not enough to help me make it through the night. That was the thing about the Fall Creek. It was dark for such a long time. It was over 12 hours of total darkness and when the sun did come up, it was so nice, but at the same time I was unable to talk and wondering how sick I was going to end up being. The night destroyed me in ways that I had not prepared for.  

Today, I feel better, which makes me so happy and thankful for this crazy week. I got to do two of the things that I love the most. And today it was fun to run, I am looking forward to figuring out how to run this trail race in the cold as planned. 


the Most Epic Runs