Day 639

Well, it was probably the coldest day of 2016 today, but it didn't seem to matter much. It was in the negative degrees when I woke up, but because today is a holiday it was nice to not have to run at 5:30 a.m.

I just finished my run. I only did a little over four it was an easy / hill day. My HR monitor would not connect, so that was annoying. I decided to just run and not think about it, but it seems so stupid wearing this thing around my chest and not even getting the benefit of my HR. 

I noticed a lot of people at the bowling alley by my house, which always amazes me that people really go to bowl. 

My brother sent me an e-mail today saying he was surprised that I was running in Mizuno's now and that I was making typos. 

I was surprised that anyone had read this, and then I started to worry about all the typos that I will probably make if I actually update this on a regular basis.  

I hope my students do not find this, but I doubt they are that interested enough in me to follow me and have to spend time in class with me.

Anyway -- I am sorry -- there will be typos! Mainly because I am probably going to update this on my phone when I get five-minutes after I run early in the morning or on my lunch when I am talking to my coworkers. 

If I don't update that doesn't mean I didn't run. Just follow me on Garmin Connect and you will see that I run everyday (I put a link to my page in the top right hand corner).

I need more friends on Garmin Connect, so if you run you should connect with me. Right now, only really Brent and my brother run enough for me to see their runs every week. 

Good job running a half-marathon this weekend at a 7 min pace Brent! I doubt you will read this, but I noticed and was impressed. 

When I am running down hill, I always imagine that my feet are really some kind of wheel that is rolling and I am putting in no energy. It really works, but I cannot figure out what to imagine my feet are when I am going up a hill.  Any suggestions? 

"Like a wheel -- rolling down a hill! I am not working -- just rolling down a hill!"

(Obviously, "Like a G6" has been stuck in my head lately) 




the Most Epic Runs