Day 640

The Weather
My phone told me that it was only 14 degrees, but it felt like it was in the single digits. My hair froze and I was cold. 

What I was Wearing 
My HR monitor didn't work at all when I started running. I strapped it on a full five-minutes before I left this morning, but it still didn't work. I am going to try something different tomorrow, but I am already pretty annoyed with this device. It is great when it works. 

Things I noticed
A cop slowed down and parked in the community building. He did not stay there long. It was kind of weird because he slowed down to an almost complete stop when I was running towards him down Watson. Then he did a u-turn and parked in the community building and watched me run past. 

I notice the White Castle looked open. I tried to remember when I first noticed, but it probably wasn't until 5:45 a.m. that I thought about it. 

Final Thought
All I could think about when I got up was how the weather was going to look tomorrow. I hope the snow is pretty.   


the Most Epic Runs