Day 2,845 —Sort of Snow Day— with my PICTURE of SNOW in 2021 #629

I was getting hit with snow as I ran. Almost no cars were out and the ones that were there were going so slow, I barely noticed them. I went over by the train tracks and into the cemetery. There was not enough snow yet to really be something to look at, but it was peaceful being alone in the snow. 

My school district went from saying they would cancel school if it snowed (last week) to expecting teachers to conduct all their classes virtually (yesterday). I am expected to conduct virtual observations among other things today. 

It has not been ideal. When I finished running this morning, I was immediately talking to teachers about various technical issues and complications they were having. 

This seems so counterproductive. Everyone is stressed out as it is, and we take snow days from them to help children and educators? 

Now, parents are forced to not spend quality time with their children, and instead everyone just looks at screens in adjacent rooms. 

There are bigger problems to complain about. I had just been looking forward to spending time with my daughter today. 


the Most Epic Runs