Day 2,846 —Sort of Snow Day II— with my PICTURE of SNOW in BLACKBURN PARK #630

Today, seemed more like what I would imagine a real snowstorm looks like. Not a lot of snow on the ground, but it was compacted and stopping most traffic. 

I wore my hiking shoes with my Yaktrax coils over them. I would have liked to be able to run into downtown Webster and take some pictures there, but I got some good ones in my area. 

It is always satisfying to be the first one out. I went the first mile without taking pictures, but I ended up stopping frequently after that seeing so many possible scenic locations. 

I am posting pictures from almost exactly a year ago on my blog of the snowstorm then, so I decided to try to recreate at least that picture in Blackburn. 

I hope to get out it again today with my daughter once I am done working. 


the Most Epic Runs