Day 2,856 —Sunday Talk about Running— with my PICTURE a PURPLE FLOWER #640

My mom asked me yesterday if I could come talk to her Sunday school group this morning about my running streak. I thought it would be fun to run there, so that’s what I did this morning. 

I figured it was about five miles to the church, so I left giving myself and hour to get there just in case it was longer than I thought. I arrived about a half an hour early, so I went and bought some coconut water from Walgreens. 

I was not sure what it would be like, but it ended up being fun. The kids were surprisingly interested in running.

One of them told me he had ran 8 miles before. Another said he ran a mountain of 100 inches! It was a great detour to my run. What I forgot to tell them is that I think that young kids are the best runners. When they run, the only agenda is to have fun.     


the Most Epic Runs