Day 3,046 —Crying for the Children of Florida— with a PICTURE of a BUDDING FLOWER

I am trying not to think about my run-on Saturday, but it is all I can think about that, and I have class tomorrow night until 10 p.m. And, I have about a dozen different work-related issues I am processing and deciding on too. I have a lot to finesse today, wish me luck. I have started getting ramped in the morning during my run thinking about everything and then my mind starts to go to local and then national issues. And, seeing all the struggles with schools this year, I have been mostly happy with many communities supporting their schools and teachers. I wish I could say the same thing about Florida. 


         Yesterday, I read how many school districts do not have any books for their students to read because of the new law prohibiting teachers and school district from deciding on what students should read and use as textbooks. Instead, the law introduces a new complicated process with new positions that many school districts have not filled, to ensure that students are reading books approved by some of their parents. 

         I wonder if colleges will change to this practice in Florida? Would you ever want to be treated by a doctor whose education requirement was decided on through this process?

         Everyone loses with policies like this. This is a form of child abuse, filtering out difficult topics and any opinion that disagrees with the norm of the community. It is these practices that result in whole generations of individuals brainwashed, confused, and unhappy, and usually busy making other people unhappy. 

         If I lived in Florida, I would move. 
