Day 3,525—Running Memories—

I got distracted this morning reading a post I wrote in 2016. I did so few posts in those early years that I almost forgot that I have some. But I used to write my day count number on my chalkboard every day. Kids would always remind me when I would forget to update it, “Mr. Virtue did you not run yesterday?”

          In a perfect world, I would have started writing immediately when my Streak started. I love reading something I wrote and not remembering it, or remembering a part of it but missing so much of the context.

It is tough sometimes deciding what to share when I don’t always love writing about something personal because most of the time my personal things involve other people, and while I love writing about other people, I know they might not love it.

Today is my Brother’s birthday! Happy birthday, Man! It was also my sister’s birthday last week! I used to not love having all of our birthdays so close, but now I like that birthdays have become just something else we have in common.

I was just thinking about all my siblings and how thankful I am that they have all done races with me. Isn’t that crazy? I never have really thought about it before, but Mary, Jacob, and my older brother Ben all have done races with me. Even my wife has! My dad and mom haven’t, but I think my dad really should get into running again. 

He is the genesis of all of us getting into running as we got older. I still remember him running with Ben, and I would ride my bike and follow along. That must have been such a potentially risky thing to do as an adult, but I am glad he did it. I can go back to being 6 or 7 and think of those times and still run over there and think about how everything looks different but is the same.


the Most Epic Runs