Day 3219 —Free Art! —

I had just begun my run when I spotted the white sign on the ground reading "Free Art!" Paintings were lined up alongside the road. Some were recognizable prints, while others appeared to be original paintings. I snapped a quick photo as a couple approached the art. The man had a beard and was smoking a pipe, while a woman emerged from the house and her dogs charged into the street. Despite the busy traffic, the car stopped, and the woman took the dogs inside.

Once she returned, she spoke to the man with the pipe and informed him that she was the artist behind the painting he was holding.

Realizing that I didn't have much time for my run today, I decided to pick up the pace. Although I was dressed too warmly, I enjoyed the run. There were so many cars on the road, but it was worth the wait for the warmer weather. I think I'm getting tired of running in the cold.


the Most Epic Runs