Day 3234 —Running by the Horses—

I was starting to think that the Clydesdales weren't out today when I saw three of them hanging out by the fence. I walked over to them and noticed one was kind of lying down, but it was moving its head normally, so I guess it was just resting. I don't think I have ever seen a horse rest like that before, but it seemed fine.

When I was heading into Kirkwood, I realized I probably needed to turn around and head home. I needed to be back in time to go out to lunch with my family.

As I was heading home, I thought more, really pushing those last couple of miles to make it back in time. I was thinking about how rarely I can commit to running "3-4 hours, or even 20+ miles." Instead, it's more like I see an opportunity where I can be gone for 1-2 hours, and I go for it.

In fields of green, the Clydesdales roam,
A sight to see, majestic and grand.
But today, I thought they stayed home,
Until I saw them by the fence, unplanned.

One lay down, a rare sight to behold,
Head moving gently, resting in peace.
I marveled at the scene, so untold,
My wonderment did not seem to cease.

But as I moved towards Kirkwood town,
My mind turned to the matters at hand.
I needed to turn back, I had to go down,
Lunch with my family was already planned.

And as I walked, my thoughts did stray,
To the times when I could run so long.
But now it seems, day after day,
I only have an hour or two before I'm gone.

So I pushed on, to make it back in time,
Frosty fields all around, cold and serene.
And though I miss the runs so sublime,
This shorter pace, it's not as it seems.


the Most Epic Runs