Day 3227 —New Development in Crestwood! —

As I ran, I stumbled upon a new route behind the main site that led me to a bridge connecting back to Watson. Excitement filled my mind as I contemplated the possibilities this new path would offer, especially with the construction of new stores underway. My thoughts were interrupted as I saw a fellow runner race by wearing nothing but shorts. I didn’t need to dress so warm, but I didn’t really want to think about what I should wear before I started running. It was still a pleasant enough outside. I tried to think of it like I was out and about checking out the day. I tried to not even notice that I was running. I stopped at a gas station to look around. I wanted to make sure my body knew that I wasn’t in a hurry. 

Now, I am not sure if I need to do another ultra in March or not. 


the Most Epic Runs