Day 3224 —Forgot to take a Picture II —

 I did end up taking a picture yesterday while I was walking into a school. It was a picture of a trashcan outside of Sumner High School. I like a lot of the advertisements on buildings in that area and have often thought of taking more pictures there, but yesterday I just took a picture of a painted trash can outside the school.

This morning I was about to call it a day and finish early when I accidentally added a couple more miles to my run, thinking I would take a picture, but I didn't. I didn't remember until I was almost home, and then I took a picture of a fire hydrant with a plastic band on top of it.

I have more to do today than I will likely have time to finish, and it is a little overwhelming. I feel guilty for writing this and guilty for running this morning, but these things are important to me because this is my life and this is my day. If I care about something, I have to make time for it even when it is not easy.


the Most Epic Runs