Day 2,782 —I am Busting! — see my PICTURE of a YELLOW FLOWER at

Happy December!  The years is almost over. Thinking this morning about how worried I was at the start of this school year. There were so many unknowns, so many activities and task I had never done before. I didn’t know how I was going to do it sometimes, and even recently I thought about how nice it would be to drop out on my life and take a pause from all the constant motion. 

But I thrive on constant motion, just as much as I run up against it. Last year currently, I was reading plays by Shakespeare every day, and still working at home. I had completely forgot about it until yesterday when I got into it with someone about Shakespeare, and I thought: I really like Shakespeare. I need to read the next play. 

Yesterday, I got into it about music with someone at work, and I thought: Wow, I really like music. And I realized I hadn’t listened to any music in a while, so I put on Dylan’s New Morning and sang along to some of the songs as I paced in my basement reorganizing books.

Sometimes even Dylan and Shakespeare can come off as noise to me, and I cannot pay attention to anything, but right now I am busting, and I am willing to throw myself into the things I love.     


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