Day 2,789 —Active Recovery— with my PICTURE of a WHITE FLOWER

I am not feeling that great, so not doing a lot of running this week will unfortunately be a must. I got some good news reading about how nearly every animal exhibitor from season one of Tiger King has been locked up or shut down. I watched that show on Netflix like a lot of people, and it made me angry when I realized how common these roadside attractions are. When I was traveling to visit my brother over Thanksgiving, I passed a place that was advertising live exotic animals on the side of the road. 
Sorry, not about running today, just glad in this small way the show has brought awareness to the issue and has resulted in more being done to stop people from exploiting animals for entertainment. 

And Happy Wednesday! I hope this doesn’t sound preachy, but I hope to encourage everyone, like I encourage myself, to continue to evaluate their relationships with animals. 


the Most Epic Runs