Day 2,786 —an Abbreviated Trail Run — with my PICTURE of FLOWER BUDS

I got to run by the train today. I was going in a similar path to yesterday.

I started reading Hal Koerner’s Field Guide to Ultrarunning recently. I had skipped around it before to use some of the training guides and some specifics about training for night running and what to do after the run; however, I had not started at the beginning before. One of the things he says in the first ten pages is that you do not have to worry about having anything left at the end of the run. He says specifically that you will feel like you have given it your all once you make it to 100 but that was not true for me. 

I was running at the end, and I could have kept going. I did feel like I could have pushed a little harder at the end. There is no reason to point this out because his book has great advice but thinking about how I am often the anomaly and how it can be frustrating. 

Anyway, Happy Sunday!


the Most Epic Runs