Day 2,796 —It is Good to be Me — with my PICTURE of an OPEN FIELD #4

Going through extremes of emotions recently as the semester comes to a close. Reflecting on all the things I didn’t do and reminding myself of all the things I did, one thing becomes objectively evident: it is good to be me. 

Not because I am suggesting I have things figured out; however, I do have a lot of people around me that care about me and treat me well. Honestly, better than I deserve most of the time. It is hard for me to accept what I don’t think I earned, but nothing in life seems to be earned in any true sense, so I cannot complain. 

I love that I felt good on my run today with my mind filled with memories of all the ridiculously nice things people have done for me over the years. 

I write this now as a reminder. And if you haven’t thought about it in a while, I suggest you take a moment and think—what is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?  

Happy Wednesday!  


the Most Epic Runs