Day 2,788 —14 Days— with my PICTURE of FLOWER BUDS #857

Coughing and tired this morning when I got out of bed. Cold cold cold! Why is it so cold today? I took my time with my morning stretching and meditation and had a short run. I indulged myself with my nice warm clothes because why not? I was not going to run enough to start getting hot. 

Thinking about the 100-mile run and reflecting on my elapse time of 12 hours of writing yesterday. I was not writing the whole time but close. I had scripts to write for work all day and then a paper to rewrite for one of my classes. 

It was not easy to stay focused and motivated, but I would argue running for 12 hours is still more difficult. 

It won’t be long until this whole semester is in the rearview, so got to keep motivated here at the end.  

Happy Tuesday!


the Most Epic Runs