Day 2,812 —Almost on Time— with my PICTURE of a VIOLET FLOWER

         I was debating trying to do closer to 20; however, I did not bring any water, so I was getting thirsty at 12. It probably was not a good idea to go out without water, but I did not feel like carrying anything. 

I can always go back out again. 

Thanks to my daughter, I was up closer to being on time today. Would it be weird to go to bed super early tonight? I guess it is New Year’s Eve, but I am already thinking about work next week and trying to be proactive. Part of me is looking forward to getting back into it. And now I have summer to look forward to, so that is pleasant to think about. 


I am pleased with how this flower picture came out. It looks a little dark still, but I like the juxtaposition and the colors. The type of violet / fuchsia. As I was editing this picture, I started to think about how nothing I take a picture of ever comes close to how it truly looks. Yet, I think pictures capture the essence of nature more accurately than video, not because video does not look great but there is a stillness to nature that is corrupted by the moving picture.    


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