Day 2,810 —Dentist Appointment and Memory of a Teacher— with my PICTURE of a BURNT ORANGE FLOWER

Trying to make this quick, so I can get to my appointment on time. I was thinking about a moment that happened a few years ago. A student that I had as a freshman was getting hit by two girls. He was acting like it hurt a lot, and they were not holding back, so I stepped in and got them to leave him alone. 

He said, “thanks for saving me.” And I thought how strange the phrase seemed to me because I did not think I had helped that much. I went on with my day, and I did not think about the moment again, until two years later when he was shot and killed in downtown Saint Louis. 

I know it is not logical to think so, but every time the memory comes up now all I can think is -- I did not save him after all. 

Sorry, this is pretty serious for a holiday week. 

Happy Wednesday. Wish me luck at the dentist. 



  1. So sad about your student Daniel. Glad you stepped in when you could.


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