Day 2,804 —Power Outage— with my PICTURE OF VIOLET FLOWERS

Last night around 8:30 are power went out. It was strange because there was no storm last night, nor was it particularly cold, but it made it easier to go to bed on time. I abruptly fell asleep while putting my daughter to bed. She did not even seem to notice that the power had gone out. 

This morning with the power back on I felt a little refreshed. I ran over around Webster U., and it seemed like people were out doing things. The streets and shops were full. However, it does not feel like Thursday. Tomorrow will be the start of doing things with family, so it kind of feels like a Friday.  

I think I need another week to get ready for the holidays. I did not make my annual winter Legos village, which seems a waste considering how many winter specific Legos I have, but there is always next year. 


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