Day 2,815 —First Day Back— with my PICTURE of a BEE and his FLOWER #601

         Ice on the ground but my hair has not frozen yet this season. I will start needing to go longer in the morning, but today I am just trying to get closer to my routine, not going to find perfection today. 

I was slowed down and distracted at every point this morning, but I am not bothered by it. I am just going to start work a little later than I planned, but that is okay. 

My daughter immediately wanted my headlamp this morning when I was about to leave. I went and got one of my other ones to let her wear. She was so happy walking around the house with my headlamp.

I was afraid that when I got up early this morning I would start a chain reaction, and I was not wrong. I got up a little before 4 and my daughter and wife were up by 4:30. 

Hopefully, we will have an early night.  


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