Day 2,827 —Wet Shoes— with my PICTURE of the METRO STATION #612


It was more like running in soft rain than snow. My shoes and clothes kept getting wet, so I would run back home to change. 

Moments looking out into a snowy path were lovely, but most of the run I was looking at puddles. Now more snow has collected, but it is still not cold enough to collect any on the roads. 
A truck going around 70 mph ran a stop light in front of me.
When I was in the Walmart parking lot, I thought a car turned around to follow me, so I turned around and got away from that car as quickly as possible. It was a small four door car with tinted windows. It did not appear to have a license plate. 

I originally wanted to do more, but my daughter woke up when I went to check on her at 6 a.m. Oh well, I was getting tired of running with wet shoes anyway.  


the Most Epic Runs