Day 2,834 —One Hour— with my PICTURE of a PINK FLOWER #618

The construction area by the cemetery had people working. I guess someone is in a hurry to get something done. 

I went over to the storage area and noticed what looked like at least a container full of stuff out in the open. It looked like it had been slightly burned up, so I guess there was a fire and they put all the stuff outside as a safety precaution before it’s thrown away. 

I feel bad for the owner having all their stuff just displayed like that. You can tell what everything was, so they must have caught the fire in time, but you still can see the spots that are burnt. 

I decided to do an hour at a time. I was hoping to at least do 18, and I was close, but I ended up struggling to keep going at the end, so not a bad day. I at least did a decent amount of time. Now, I need to do another long day tomorrow. I don’t know if I am going to do a group run or not, but I am considering it. 


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