Day 2,825 —Similar but not the Same— with my PICTURE of a DOOR and a STAIRCASE #610

 I went down Watson, running towards the apartment complex. I cut through to the trail to the retirement home. I went right not thinking and then tracked back in a way I rarely go. I looked up at the handrail, realizing I have never looked at it from this angle before. 

I thought about how I resist going the same exact route and instead will do variations on routs, making slight adjustments each time, purposely trying to never do the exact same thing twice. 

It took me years to start seeing myself on a map as I run. Giving myself the freedom to know I will never get lost. 

I used to feel I needed to get far away from my home to have an interesting route but now I challenge myself to do something similar but not the same. 


the Most Epic Runs