Day 2,824 —Things Got Worse before they Got Better— with my PICTURE of HIGHWAY 44 #609

 Still struggling to wake up, I muddled through my morning routine—read, stretched, meditated. During meditation, realizing what a bad mood I was in, so trying to stay positive I headed outside. I brought my headphones planning on listening to some upbeat music. I noticed my car’s inside light was on. Now my car won’t start, and why was the light on? I came home when it was light outside. 

Starting my run, getting into the music, but now my headphones keep falling out, I stopped twice to fix them. After a little over a mile, I took them out and ran in silence. 

In the silence, time slowed down. I rewrote a lesson and started processing some different classroom issues I have been thinking about. I had moments of clarity that I had been missing.  


the Most Epic Runs