Day 2,816 —Last Day for Wreaths— with my PICTURE of a BEE and his FLOWER #602

My favorite moment was hearing my steps crunch on the frozen grass as I made my way through the open field at Blackburn.         

I felt discouraged when I heard the 6 a.m. church bell ring out loud, and I was still a mile from home. Why can I not start earlier, so I can go longer? And have enough time to take a medium sized shower and write and edit pictures without rushing. 

I need to make the most of this time to get stuff done including getting back into some longer runs. 

Yet, as much as I am looking forward to all the races that I signed up for, the burning desire to run constantly is dwindling. 

But that is okay, sometimes I must do things even when I don’t feel like it and just trust in that it will be worth it in the end.

Happy Tuesday!  


*This bee picture is one of my favorites because you can see his little Bee face and the light reflecting on his wings. 


the Most Epic Runs