Day 2,489 —Trade?— (a New Tree, an Old Bench, and Me)

I was up until after nine last night, and I am certainly paying for it today. I slept in a little. I got up at 3:10 a.m., which wasn’t too bad. I could have slept in more because I get to work from home today; however, I don’t want to set a bad precedent, and I find the easiest way to change your sleep habits are to get up at the wrong time. I would rather make it easier for myself to go to bed earlier tonight. 

I feel so bad for parents who have multiple small children to contend with through the night. I just have one daughter and three cats, and it seems like a party at some point of the night.  

The other thing is it usually doesn’t bother me at all, and I feel thankful to have so many friendly faces to greet me each morning. 


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