Day 2,490 —The Same but Different— (with a Sunflower, a Sunrise, and Sun Chairs)

The different seasons I truly find miraculous. It doesn’t matter how many times I have experienced them; it is always hard to accept how drastically different my climate can be depending on the time of the year. 

I remember over the summer that I couldn’t wait to see the fall and the winter, and now that it is still winter, I cannot wait to see spring roll around again. I love each season for different reasons, but what I think I really love about the seasons is the sense of powerlessness I get from being affected by it, but not being able to have any effect on it in any significant way. 

All I can do is accept the season and try to find a way to accommodate for it or hide from it, but I cannot hope to prevent it from happening or ever truly escape from it. 

I am sorry if this sounds like nonsense; maybe it is the cold weather that brings this out of me.  


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