Day 2,499 —Too Many Cars— (a Spiderweb, a Sunrise, and a Statue)

The problem with running later in the day is all the cars, which is pretty annoying when you realize you have no good alternative in the winter. If you run early, it is cold. If you wait, the roads are busy. Also, most sidewalks on busy roads have not been cleared, so they are still covered with ice. So I had to run on the side of the road, getting so much closer to cars than I prefer.  

I am thankful that it was warmer today. I am thankful that I have successfully completed another day of running. Ever since I started typing the number that I am on each day; I keep thinking it doesn’t really sound like that many days. 


  1. So true about sidewalks! Wonder what statue?

  2. It’s so beautiful to read when someone is thankful. Thanks.


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