Day 2,503 —the Mornings are too Short— (Sunrise at the Factory, the Entrance, and a Tree)

I get up a full three-hours before I have to leave for work, yet it just flies by, and I always end up rushing out the door. I am usually able to manage the time better if I have a short run, like I did today, but then I feel bad I wasn’t able to run more. 

Today it was a little colder than yesterday. I think it is crazy that there is still snow on the ground, but it is slowly melting away. 

It is nice getting to witness all the small changes in the half-mile vicinity from my house. My wife and I used to live at the apartment complex that I ran through today. Not much has changed there it seems; the place looks like things haven’t changed since some remodeling in the 80s, but I could be wrong. 

We used to go to this Chinese food place called China 1, and it was our favorite place. We drove there one day to find it closed, and now it is some fake seafood place. I ran past it today. Even thinking about a fast-food seafood place makes me a little sick. 

I am sure I wouldn’t have been able to eat there anymore anyway, but it just made me think about how different locations can be etched in your memory in a way that they become such a clear example of reality, and when they start changing in even small ways, it makes one start to feel isolate from the different versions of themselves. 


the Most Epic Runs