Day 2,493 —No One is Suffering from Protein Deficiency (unless they are starving)— (with a Deer, a Spider, and a Sunrise)

It is maddening to see how many people still believe this lie about the need of protein as some type of wonder nutrient that we can easily become deficient of if we are not careful. I hear even vegans talk about the need to use supplements in order to make sure that they are consuming enough protein. 

You would imagine that such a well-known health concern would be well documented, but in fact there is no such research or evidence that individuals who eat on a regular basis are becoming protein deficient—it just doesn’t happen. There is protein in everything you eat, so there is no need to seek out protein or try to add powders to your smoothies, so you can be “healthy.” 

I once believed like a lot of people that because this myth had been repeated so many times it must be rooted in science; however, the more you do your own research the more you realize how few people do any research on any topic; they just believe what people tell them, so don’t believe me if this is news to you. I encourage you to research this on your own and decided for yourself what is the more likely narrative.

It was brutally cold today and my eyelashes froze in the snow.       


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