Day 2,505 —Finding Normal— ( with Sunrise A and Sunrise B)

A guy shouted something at me today. I heard “running every day,” or so I thought. Maybe he was trying to tell me that he has been running every day? I felt bad I only responded with a “Good morning,” but I am kind of lost in my own world sometimes during my runs, and I kind of forget that I exist physically in time and place. I am going to assume that guy was telling me something positive because he seemed happy, so I felt bad I missed it. 

I just ate two heads of steamed broccoli. I love broccoli so much. It makes me feel refreshed somehow. I seriously get cravings for broccoli. I never thought broccoli had much of a taste before, but it really does now, and it is truly refreshing and comforting. Broccoli has got to be one of my favorite vegetables. I know it is not super exotic or anything, but it delivers. Onions are up there for me too. I love to bake onions in the oven or mix them in a skillet with potatoes and peppers. I have started calling it POP, but that is usually just the base because I’ll put beans, corn, parsnips in there too. I do use a teaspoon of olive oil to make it, but I am still experimenting trying to get the oil down to the lowest possible amount. 

Happy Saturday to you! This is my longest run in a couple of months, and I feel fine now after I have eaten some broccoli. 



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