Day 3,424—Labor Day Rain—

It was so hot. I was telling my daughter she needed to go back inside before I went running. I didn’t have much time because I was trying to get chores done around the house. I woke up wanting to mow the lawn and vacuum, so I tried to squeeze this run in, not even considering that it might rain.

         I was running in my sandals because I found them while doing laundry, so I figured, why not run in them? I was thinking how my blisters were almost completely gone, and then it just started raining.

         At first, it was not much more than a typical rain, but it started letting us have it as it began to pour buckets of rain. I immediately thought of Shawnee Hill, not being able to hear myself speak, and feeling like the rain was somehow making my world smaller. 


the Most Epic Runs