Day 3,435—Conversation I Overhead—

        “Melissa! Melissa!” the guy was standing across Watson looking out into the darkness, yelling. 

        I looked around to see if he was shouting at me or if there was someone else out. 

        “MELISSA! MELISSA!” Now, I hear his voice go down in anger or desperation as he says her name. 

        A woman with a dog waved from across the street. She mumbles a greeting. 

        “I was so scared. I was so scared.” He sounds relieved, like he just learned his child had been found, or his house had not been destroyed in the flood. 

        The mood changed as Melissa hurried across the street, pulling her dog along with her. The guy started calling the dog to him, but the dog did not want to go. 

        The whole scene reminded me of a song lyric, “Something is happening here/but you don’t know what it is /do you, Mister Jones?” (Bob
Dylan, “Ballad of a Thin Man”)


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