
Showing posts from November, 2023

Day 3,511—Perfect Morning! —

Day 3,510—Listening to a podcast titled: What if you Believed you were Unlovable? —

Day 3,509—Countdown to my first-ever self-supported 100-mile run! —

Day 3,508—Change of Plans—

Day 3,507—Now it’s Rainy—

Day 3,506—Capricious Trees—

Day 3,505—Compulsive Cleaning—

Day 3,504—Happy Bird Day! This is my Favorite Holiday—

Day 3,503—Webster/Kirkwood Turkey Trot—

Day 3,502—a Mystery—

Day 3,501—4 Seconds Faster—

Day 3,500—Gorgeous Light —

Day 3,499—Running the Straights, Leaping the Curbs —

Day 3,498—Happy Birthday Baby! —

Day 3,497—End of Day—

Day 3,496—Jump this Fence—

Day 3,495—Barreling through the Streets—

Day 3,494—Prospects for this Week—

Day 3,493—a Night Out—

Day 3,491—Shopping—

Day 3,492—Oreo Donuts—

Day 3,490—a Quick one—

Day 3,489—said More than I Meant—

Day 3,488—Running for the Rest of my Life—

Day 3,487—Infectious Smile—

Day 3,486—Finished Writing about the Race!—

Day 3,484 —Mistakes to Learn from—

Day 3,485— I didn’t finish, and my dad and I hit a deer —

Day 3,483—Mamba 100 Tomorrow —

Day 3,482—Finally, November—