Day 3,496—Jump this Fence—

         Sometimes I think I jump fences because I ultimately want someone to say something to me, so they try to catch me. And maybe that’s a stupid, self-destructive thing to think about but part of me thinks it is funny, someone getting really mad at me for running on some private land, but most likely they cannot do much about it. I guess I could get charged with trespassing, maybe I need to seriously rethink some of my motivations.

         At the same time, I don’t think someone should get to say they “own” something if they aren’t capable of physically appreciating the property. If you think ownership is about a piece of paper and someone’s name on it, I would challenge you to think about why those things should matter compared to someone who actually experiences, takes care of, and appreciates the land. Ownership is not given; it is earned, and I don’t think giving someone money should be the way to earn anything.


the Most Epic Runs