Day 3,508—Change of Plans—

I had pretty much decided to do the Backyard Ultra on Saturday when I looked up how far the drive was to double-check. Originally, I thought it was between an hour and an hour and a half, but Google Maps said more like 3 hours, so I started thinking about that time in the car. So that means leaving here at 3:30 to start and then being home roughly by 11 a.m. on Sunday.

         Also, I feel like I don’t know how I will respond to the format—will I get into it this time and want to keep going, or will I be over it before it gets dark outside?

         I have forgotten how much I love running in St. Louis, so I decided after talking to my wife to run 100 miles next weekend, starting Saturday morning. I’ve always wanted a 100-mile race around here, maybe I’ll try to plan what my preferred route would be. 


the Most Epic Runs