Day 3,509—Countdown to my first-ever self-supported 100-mile run! —

I pretty much decided I am now going to be running at least 100 miles on my own, starting probably around 6 a.m. on Saturday. When I did my first 12-hour run on my own during COVID-19, I called it my 4 to 4 run, so I am wondering if I should try for a 24-hour run just for consistency. But I am still thinking about it. I know enough that I need to decide now if I want to run 100 miles or run for 24 hours as my goal.

         I have decided I want to start with around a 50-mile route, then do a 25-mile route, and finish the run doing loops closer to my house at the end when it is in the middle of the night.  


the Most Epic Runs